It's free to create a company profile on Wefunder.
For Reg CF, Wefunder charges only 7.9% of the total raise if successful. For instance, if a company raises $100,000, we charge $7,900 upon close. We charge no upfront fees. After the successful raise, a company can choose to file their annual report with us for $500.
Additionally, we charge an annual admin fee of $1,000 per year for all companies** to cover a variety of post-close services, including the following:
- Assisting with investor updates & communications
- Calculating and distributing payouts for debt raises
- Calculating and updating investor portfolios for equity raises
- Securely distributing tax documents to investors
- Filing taxes for investors in your SPV, if applicable
** For LLCs, the fee might be altered by certain tax circumstances. For more info on SPVs for LLCs and what that means for taxes, read our full explainer