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Promotion Thresholds

Note: All thresholds below are regarding your Wefunder investments. Investments received outside of Wefunder don’t count towards milestones, even if they were made on the same terms.


When you raise $50K:

1. Explore Page: Your company appears on Wefunder’s Explore page. Our algorithm determines the placement of your company, based on a mix of factors including investment volume and investment velocity. 

2. Email Newsletter: We feature you in the “New Companies” section of our weekly email newsletter that goes out every Thursday. We share your company name, tagline, and top highlight.

- You are also able to get your webinars featured in the newsletter up to two times. 


When you raise $250K:

- Dedicated Email: We email a feature of your company to a targeted list of Wefunder investors who have registered interest in your company or industry. 

- This email includes a blurb about your company, highlights, how much you’ve raised so far, and strong visual assets (photos, short videos, or GIFs).

- The Wefunder team will collaborate with you to draft the email and select the most effective creatives.


When you raise $500K:

- Dedicated Email: We email a feature of your company to a targeted list of Wefunder investors who have registered interest in your company or industry. 

- This email includes a blurb about your company, highlights, how much you’ve raised so far, and strong visual assets (photos, short videos, or GIFs).

- The Wefunder team will collaborate with you to draft the email and select the most effective creatives.



When you raise $1M:

- Dedicated Email: We email a feature of your company to a targeted list of Wefunder investors who have registered interest in your company or industry. 

- This email includes a blurb about your company, highlights, how much you’ve raised so far, and strong visual assets (photos, short videos, or GIFs).

- The Wefunder team will collaborate with you to draft the email and select the most effective creatives.


When you raise $2M:

- Dedicated Email: We email a feature of your company to a targeted list of Wefunder investors who have registered interest in your company or industry. 

- This email includes a blurb about your company, highlights, how much you’ve raised so far, and strong visual assets (photos, short videos, or GIFs).

- The Wefunder team will collaborate with you to draft the email and select the most effective creatives.



Fundraising Strategy: We’ll help you create a customized fundraising plan for the rest of your raise so you can finish strong. 






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