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I've been waitlisted. What does that mean?

Occasionally, we may experience high demand for our Community Rounds, which can result in oversubscription. To ensure fairness, most raises operate on a first-come, first-served basis for investments (unless instructed otherwise by the issuer). Please note that adding to your existing investment does not reset your position in the queue. Instead, the additional amount is treated as a new investment subject to its place in line. Consequently, your initial investment may be accepted, but the additional amount may not be.

We regret to inform you that we cannot update you on your position in the queue or confirm whether your investment, including any add-on amounts, has been accepted before oversubscription. Our closing team will notify you via email once the Community Round has been finalized and your investment has been approved or declined.

You may be wondering why we continue to allow investors to add funds even after we have reached capacity. This is because some investors may cancel their investment before the closing, freeing up a spot for the next person in line. Additionally, if an investor has incomplete action items in their portfolio, their investment will be canceled, and the spot will be given to the next person in line.

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