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Email us: support@wefunder.com

How are you better than your competitors?

We deliver more money, faster.  We're the largest US funding portal by funds raised, number of companies funded, number of investors, and most follow-on financing by venture capitalists. 

We work with better companies measured by returns.  Because we know what it takes to work with good companies, we have one of the best portfolios in the industry. You want to raise funds on a website alongside other good companies. Over $5 billion of follow-on financing has been invested in our companies.  

We are tech founders, not finance people.  We understand that founders are busy running their startup, so we do all the grunt work for you. More than that, as founders ourselves (not finance guys or bankers), we know exactly what you are going through. We're a friendly team.

We'll beat anyone on price.  We charge no fees up-front, and, if you can find a better offer, we'll match it. 

We're a Public Benefit Corporation.  Our values are important to us.  We are legally required to follow our Charter to help more founders get off the ground.

We started this industry.  We helped the US Congress pass the laws that legalized equity crowdfunding back in 2012, and were invited to watch President Obama sign it into law.  Check out the Wefunder Story.  

We have the best community of founders. We believe belonging to community of other helpful founders will help your company succeed.  That's why we started the XX, a community of founders who have built companies collectively worth billions of dollars. 

Can't find what you're looking for?

Email us: support@wefunder.com